anybody seen joe around?
As is often the case, a recent thread on a forum I frequent degraded into a playground of hastily created goofy images of my friends, including »
As is often the case, a recent thread on a forum I frequent degraded into a playground of hastily created goofy images of my friends, including »
my corner of the citySo the move is pretty much behind me. I'm unpacked and pretty much settled in the filing cabinet just off Carlton, about »
In a bout of sanity I've decided to retire the epic saga that is my coffee table. Thanks to all who stopped by and left their »
I guess I missed the buzz but TVNZB has been back for a couple weeks now which pleases me greatly. Now that ze storage is back »
Some homeless guy followed me home from the beer store today, offering to divine my home town in exchange for a cold Grolsch from my frosty »
Well not really, but it took me a few minutes of poking around to discover that all my IDE drives which are hooked to a Silicon »