career halting photo

Y'know how everyone says you shouldn't post pictures of yourself doing stupid things on the internets 'cuz some future potential employer may google you and see »

true story

I was perusing some old PA cartoons today and stumbled across this gem.It reminded me of when I was living just across town from my »

republican douchebags

That's right, mass douchebaggery is not just for New Jersey any more. Today at lunch some conversation and a trip to the intarwebs revealed the truth. »

security is our bidness

And bidness is good!I've mentioned in the past I think, that I spend my working hours in a cubicle at a major Canadian bank. I'll »

ollie ollie ogcin free

My buddy Nic (aka ogcin) relaunched both his personal blog and his Toronto Raptors site TheRapSheet last week. I think he got an itch he needed »