yankee yankee juliet -> yankee victor romeo

I've spent the past six months living and working in Victoria at a very chill place which I am a bit sad to say goodbye to. As it stands my work there is done and a month or so ago I began looking for something new to do with my time. A fella I met while touring last summer invited me to join him on his next adventure, riding from Nelson BC to Dawson City Yukon. I gave it a lot of thought but in the end decided it was time to return to work before my edge was too far gone to get back.

With that in mind I cast about at a handful of places in Victoria and in Vancouver looking for something nerdy to do with my time and a place called AppNeta made me the most interesting offer so I've made my way to the mainland and tomorrow I'll be heading in to the first "real" work I've had since I left the bank last May.

I figure any company that has a three foot wide ball of ethernet cable hanging from the ceiling and concerns themselves with inquiring about a potential employee's foosball prowess is the sort of place I'd like to spend my time.

In a bit of random topic change, I noticed that bicycle trailers were very popular in Victoria however the whole time I was there I think I saw maybe one store bought trailer on the road. The rest were crazy home brew concoctions that had me wondering why I'd spent so much money on mine in the first place. After a few weeks of seeing these things rolling around the city I decided to start cataloguing them for posterity. Here are a few of the more interesting ones ...

(I guess the symbols are for ... safety?)

So that was my winter an a very small nutshell. Summer time in Vancouver should be interesting. As it happens I discovered I know more than the one person here I thought I did, an old friend noticed my location change on facebook and invited me round to meet for a BBQ this afternoon so I'm about ready to locate a few beers and make my way over to meet some new folks and gnosh some grilled goodness. Hope your Sunday afternoon is even better than mine promises to be!