we live in the future now
I read it on the internets so it must be true. You can add your set top box and your smartphone to the list of places »
I read it on the internets so it must be true. You can add your set top box and your smartphone to the list of places »
My brother Vince got me The Long Tail for Christmas, and it got me thinking about the rate at which products are being digitized. The spots »
It would seem that digital rights activists are being spotted more frequently in my home and native land. Folks are even going so far as to »
Quick update. Shiny and cool looking web based desktop environments are handy for usurping moronic corporate software restrictions. Adobe's new Apollo thing sounds pretty cool and »
So the word today is that wireless providers are going to offer cell base stations for the home or office which connect to their voice networks »
Despite pretty much nil time to play and enjoy many games these days, I do like to stay on the up and up with the gaming »